BY : DARI KWABENA MATHEW (+233555395925)

Private legal Practitioner, Martin Kpebu is calling out President Akufo-Addo on his inability to fulfill most of the promises assured Ghanaians during his run for the presidency.

Mr. Kpebu describes it as discouraging for the president to sit inactively on assurances he made Ghanaians for the period he’s been in office.

His criticism comes on the back of Ghana’s ranking 72nd in the 2022 edition of the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) report issued on Tuesday, January 31.

Ghana still sits in the back with no progress on the CPI score consecutively for three years now, after details indicate that the country scored 43 out of 100 per Transparency International (TI) score.

It is for this, Mr. Kpebu believes that President Akufo-Addo has little or no intention to curb corruption as demonstrated by the CPI score.

Speaking on Newfile, Mr. Kpebu recounted 18 pledges made by his Excellency, as a reminder to him that Ghanaians have not forgotten.

“Let me mention some of the notable things Akufo-Addo said, which today he has not lived up to, and he thinks we have forgotten. He needs a quick reminder that this thing has to stop,”

“1. I shall protect the public purse,

2. I’m too old to steal your money; I have my money already,

3. ‘Yɛ te sika so, nso ɛkɔm de yɛn,’

4. Try me and see,

5. I’m not corrupt, and will never be corrupt,

6. I can develop Ghana without borrowing money from anywhere; the money is here,

7. I will transform Ghana in 18 months,

8. I will not operate a family and friends government,

9. I will fight corruption with the Anas principle,

10. I will make the Korle lagoon and the ɔdɔ river a tourist site,

11. I will build a factory in every district,

12. I will give each constituency GH₵1 million every year

13. I will arrest the dollar

14. The hike in fuel prices will be a thing of the past,

15. I will make Accra the cleanest city in Africa,

16. I will build 111 hospitals,

17. 350 schools

The most talked about assurance he made to the citizenry was, “we will never go to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for a bail-out.”

Additionally, he implored the President to pass an act of Parliament that ensures that appointees of government account for their wealth before leaving office.