In consultation with our mother body the GPRTU OF TUC, we wish to announce to the general public that there will 30% increment on fares starting Tuesday 21,September,2022.
This due the current economic situation we find ourselves as a country.
Prices of petroleum and spare parts keep in creasing day in and out coupled with other nuisance taxes.
Due to the increment in fuel products,spare parts and the poor management of the economic of the government we are unable to make enough money to cater for our family and pay off our loans.
Electricity tariffs ,water tariffs, Prices of spare parts, prices of food and Pure water prices have all increased, hence we have no option than to also increase our fares.
As stated earlier we are urging the general public to cooperate with us on our new fares coming Tuesday 21st ,09,2022.
We are cautioning our members not charge more than the agreed 30%.Chairman Concerned Drivers Association
Mr. Paa Willie
P.R.O True Drivers Union
Mr. Yaw Barima
P.R.O Concerned Drivers Association
Mr. David Agboado