Okudzetu Ablakwa to cater for 50 tertiary students for the people who got affected by the dam’s damage



Due to heavy floods in a state, thousands were rendered homeless. The latest North Tongu MP’s bursary for displaced tertiary students initiative is expected to guarantee that my beloved tertiary students are able to continue their education without disruptions despite the devastating economic impact of the VRA-induced floods.

“Today I paid the full fees of 50 tertiary students from the 50 most affected displaced families as a result of the catastrophic VRA-induced floods in my beloved constituency.

The package which includes a back-to-school transportation financial support amounts to a total sum of GHS110,524.83.

The 50 students were selected from all 21 displaced camps; all traditional areas; and all tertiary institutions from universities, colleges of education, nursing training institutions and technical universities. He said
