Young Thug Begs New Judge To Release Him From Jail


Young Thug’s lawyer, Brian Steel, filed a new motion for bond in the YSL RICO case on Tuesday (July 23). Judge Ural Glanville, who previously denied bond requests, was recused from the trial.


Now, the case is being handled by Judge Paige Reese Whitaker, and Steel is hopeful for a more favorable outcome regarding Young Thug’s release from Fulton County Jail in Atlanta.

“Since May 9, 2022, [Young Thug] endures the torturous conditions in the County Jail, to wit: twenty two (22) out of twenty four (24) hours a day locked into a small cement cell with no contact with another human being except when his counsel visits and in Court proceedings; inedible food; living in squalor-ant infested room and unable to see any activity/movement out of the cell’s ‘windows,’” Steel wrote.
Overcrowding led to 10 deaths at the Fulton County Jail in 2023. Three more inmates died in the first four months of 2024.

Steel argued that Jeffery Williams, also known as Young Thug, is not a flight risk or a danger to the community. If granted house arrest, Young Thug planned to bear the expenses for ankle monitoring and police officer supervision.

“Mr. Williams has taken the initiative to secure the commitment of full time off-duty sworn law enforcement officers to watch his home and secure him in his home twenty four (24) hours/seven (7) days a week, if house arrest is Ordered by this Honorable Court as a condition of pre-verdict bond,” Steel wrote. “Mr. Williams will also submit to wearing an ankle monitor if Ordered by this Honorable Court as a condition of pre-verdict bond. Mr. Williams will submit to a condition that any person who would visit him at his abode would have to be on an approved list provided to this Honorable Court as well as the District Attorney’s Office and if the individual’s name is not on this list, that person will be denied entry to his home.”

He added, “Any visitor will have to consent to being searched, physically and electronically, by the off duty sworn police officer and if the visitor does not agree to consent to this search, the person will be prohibited from visiting with Mr. Williams. Mr. Williams also agrees that any of his text messages, telephone calls, e-mails or other forms of communication, in any manner, can be secured and the information provided to this Honorable Court, if desired, as if Mr. Williams was in custody and on a recorded line.”