BY : DARI KWABENA MATHEW (+233555395925)

The Council of Elders of the NDC has warned the Minority Members of Parliament and the National Executive Committee of the party to desist from commenting on the shakeup in Parliament.

The Council acknowledged receipt of a petition from some members of the NDC Parliamentary caucus regarding recent appointments in the legislature and promised to act on it.

“The Council has initiated steps to act expeditiously on the petition and related matters. While this process is underway, the Council urges our Honourable Members of Parliament, Party leadership at all levels and all concerned persons to refrain from further public pronouncements on the matter in the larger interest of our great NDC. This is a time to be circumspect in order not to play into the hands of our detractors.

“The Council assures the rank and file of the Party of an early and principled resolution of the issues and ultimately, the NDC will emerge stronger and more united,” the release dated January 28, 2023 and signed the Chairman of the Elders, Alhaji Mahama Iddrisu advised.

He continued: “We urge all members of the NDC to re-dedicate themselves to working for victory in the Presidential and Parliamentary elections in 2024, to alleviate the suffering of the Ghanaian people.”

Meanwhile, some NDC Members of Parliament have withdrawn from a petition asking the National Executive Committee of the party to rescind its decision to reshuffle the leadership of the Minority caucus in Parliament.
This comes after the group of MPs at a press conference on Thursday expressed their opposition to the decision citing poor timing and lack of consultation.

The largest opposition party on Wednesday announced the appointment of new leaders for the Minority in Parliament.

Speaking to newsmen, the Volta Regional Chairman of the NDC, Mawutor Agbavitor revealed that some members of the Minority group from the Volta Region who initially signed onto the petition have withdrawn their names.

“…I can tell you it is not 70, as far as I know, that number has reduced. Because initially, I had some members of Parliament from the Volta Region who signed up to the petition and they’ve withdrawn their names from the petition. I got a call from one of them this morning that he was mistakenly placed on the list. That no withstanding, even if it is one person who said this decision taken is not in the interest of the party the person must be listened to.

“We know Haruna Iddrisu, we know what Muntaka can do, we know what Dr. Avedzi is capable of doing. However, if the National Executive decides that at this stage let’s have some fresh legs, it doesn’t mean they won’t have roles to play in the party. They remain MPs, they remain very senior members of the party and they remain people we will all want to listen to and they remain people that will shape the decision that will get the fortunes of the party enhanced. I believe that once the decision has been made we should all support leadership.”